The document should be in your inbox now NYT Crossword Clue
by Sivasankari
Updated Nov 13, 2024

"The document should be in your inbox now" NYT Crossword Clue Answer
Let’s find the answers to "The document should be in your inbox now" NYT for the November 13, 2024 edition of NYT crossword puzzle. Answer Contains 4 letters. Start with S and end with T, and the possible solutions are SENT, SOFT, SPIT.
S | - | - | T |
Clue Explanation
The clue "The document should be in your inbox now" suggests that the document in question has already been delivered electronically. This implies that the action of sending has been completed, and the recipient should check their email for the arrival of the document. The word choice indicates that the expectation is that the document should be accessible and waiting for review at this very moment.
It emphasizes the immediacy of the action, often used to confirm that a document has been successfully transmitted. This phrase also conveys a sense of fulfillment of a task, as it is an assurance that the document is now available. The use of "should" implies that there may be a slight delay, but the delivery process is complete. Finally, it invites the recipient to confirm receipt and take action based on the content of the document.
The answer to the Crossword Clue is SENT.
Answer Explanation
The crossword clue "The document should be in your inbox now" NYT leads to the answer "SENT" because the phrase suggests that an email or document has been dispatched and is now expected to be received in the recipient's inbox. The word "sent" directly refers to the action of transmitting or delivering something, such as an email, document, or message. In this context, "SENT" implies that the document has already been sent and is on its way to the inbox, making it the appropriate and logical answer to the clue.
This clue last seen in NYT Crossword Puzzle on November 13, 2024. You can also get all other NYT's Crossword clues hints and answers here.
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